The OP Payment Web Service is designed to accept the details of a payment transaction and process it in Patriot and through the payment gateway. It accepts the payment information as well as the payment and optional invoice information, processes the request and returns the result.
The web service is an ASP.NET web handler that accepts a valid JSON string structured per the details of this documentation and returns a JSON response. Providing the required fields below creates a payment record in Patriot with payment details, processes the payment to the gateway with the information provided in the request and if successful, confirms the payment in Patriot with the transaction details or removes the payment in Patriot. An optional configuration allows the creation of an associated invoice within that the payment applies to.
Current Limitations
The web service cannot:
· process a payment without creating a payment within Patriot.
· create an invoice that has a balance due
· create donations
· update existing payments or invoices
Field Name |
DataType |
Valid Values |
Required? |
Purpose |
IsRecurring |
Boolean |
True, False |
Yes |
Indicate if payment is recurring |
IsTestMode |
Boolean |
True, False |
Yes |
Indicate if payment is being processed in test mode |
Amount |
Decimal |
Decimal value |
Yes |
Total amount of payment |
PayeeType |
Char |
"P" (Person) or "C" (Chapter) |
Yes |
Indicate whether it's a Person or Chapter |
PaymentMethod |
String |
"CreditCard" or "ACH" |
Yes |
Indicate payment method |
Amount |
Decimal |
Decimal value |
Yes |
Amount to be processed as payment |
FirstName |
String |
Yes |
First name of payee | |
LastName |
String |
Yes |
Last name of payee | |
Address |
String |
Yes |
Billing address of payee | |
City |
String |
Yes |
Billing city of payee | |
State |
String |
Yes |
Billing state of payee | |
Zip |
String |
Yes |
Billing Zip of payee | |
Phone |
String |
Yes |
Billing phone number of payee | |
EmailAddress |
String |
Yes |
Billing email address of payee | |
Company |
String |
No (First + Last name will be used) |
Billing company of payee | |
Source |
String |
Yes |
Appears as LastModBy and CreatedBy on Patriot records as a source identifier | |
Description |
String |
No |
Appears in Note field of Patriot records | |
SendAcknowledgementEmail |
Boolean |
True, False |
No (default value is False) |
If true, will allow the payment gateway to send receipt to customer |
MerchantAccountOwner |
String |
"Fraternity", "Foundation" |
Yes |
Selects which merchant account to use |
AssociatedInvoiceID |
Integer |
*Return value - Read Only |
If transaction succeeds, returns the InvoiceID | |
NumberOfRecurrences |
Integer |
> 0 |
*Yes if IsRecurring = True |
RecurrenceFrequency |
String |
“OneTime”, “Weekly”, “Monthly”, “Quarterly”, “Annually”, “Yearly” |
*Yes if IsRecurring = True |
Username |
String |
Yes. Must match value in tlkOP_SystemSettings.ProcessPaymentsWebUsername |
Password |
String |
Yes. Must match value in tlkOP_SystemSettings.ProcessPaymentsWebPassword |
Credit Card Fields |
*Required if PaymentMethod = "CreditCard" | |||
CardType |
String |
“Visa”, “Mastercard”, “American Express”, “Discover” |
Yes |
NameOnCreditCard |
String |
Yes |
CreditCardNumber |
String |
Yes |
CCVerification |
String |
3-4 digit number |
Yes |
CCExpMonth |
Integer |
2 digit month |
Yes |
Format: MM |
CCExpYear |
Integer |
4 digit year |
Yes |
Format: YYYY |
Company |
String |
No |
If CC is a business card, the Company will be used if provided. If not provided, the NameOnCreditCard will be used. |
ACH Fields |
*Required if PaymentMethod = "ACH" | |||
BankName |
String |
Yes |
BankAccountType |
String |
“Checking”, “Savings” |
Yes |
BankAccountOwnerType |
String |
“Personal”, “Business” |
Yes |
NameOnBankAccount |
String |
Yes |
Bank account owner’s name | |
BankAccountNumber |
String |
Valid bank account number |
Yes |
RoutingNumber |
String |
Valid routing number |
Yes |
CheckNumber |
String |
Yes (if no valid check number is available, pass in a placeholder value) | ||
Payment/Invoice Fields |
CreateAssociatedInvoice |
Boolean |
True, False |
Yes |
If true, will create an associated invoice with details and apply the payment to it. Note: the current design always creates a $0-balance due invoice. |
PersonID |
Integer |
> 0, must be valid value in Patriot |
Yes if the invoice is created for a Person | |
ChapterID |
Integer |
> 0, must be valid value in Patriot |
Yes if the invoice is created for a Chapter | |
RegistrationID |
Integer |
> 0, must be valid value in Patriot |
No. Only for reference for use with a convention registration | |
PostedStatus |
Char |
"U" (unposted), "H" (Held) |
No. Default value is "U" (unposted) | |
Note |
String |
Max 1000 chars |
No. |
Some of the available characters are in use by the service which appends some transaction data into the notes field. |
BatchDate |
String |
Yes if different from Today's date | |
BatchName |
String |
Max 100 chars |
No. Standard default batch names will be applied | |
InvoiceDueDate |
String |
No. Today’s date will be used as default |
Payment/Invoice Detail Fields |
ProductID |
Integer |
> 0, must be valid value in Patriot |
Yes |
AssociatedPersonID |
Integer |
> 0, must be valid value in Patriot |
Yes if applied to person |
AssociatedChapterID |
Integer |
> 0, must be valid value in Patriot |
Yes if applied to chapter |
Quantity |
Integer |
> 0 |
Yes |
ItemCost |
Decimal |
>= 0 |
Yes |
ItemPaidAmount |
Decimal |
>= 0 |
No. Default will be ItemCost |
Allows ability for partial payments to be applied per item |
ItemDescription |
String |
Max 200 chars |
No |
Description on invoice detail |
NextExpectedPaymentDate |
String |
No |
DetailDueDate |
String |
No |
ItemStatus |
Char |
Must match a value from tlkInvoiceStatus.InvoiceStatus |
No |
ProductTemplateID |
Integer |
> 0, must be valid value in Patriot |
No |
PaymentID |
Integer |
*Return value - Read Only |
InvoiceDetailID |
Integer |
*Return value - Read Only |
Response |
*Return Values Read Only |
Success |
Boolean |
True If payment/payment details successfully created in Patriot and payment is successfully processed through gateway | ||
ErrorMessage |
String |
Present if errors occur. If payment is successfully processed but errors occur creating invoice/invoice details, a value may be present but the Response.Success field may be True | ||
ResponseDescription |
String |
Description returned from gateway |
TransactionID |
String |
Payment/Transaction ID returned from gateway |
PaymentID |
Integer |
PaymentID of Payment created in Patriot |
InvoiceID |
Integer |
InvoiceID created in Patriot (if requested) |
Sample JSON Request String:
{ "Success": true, "InvoiceID": 657, "ErrorMessage": "", "ResponseDescription": null, "TransactionID": "2584163898", "PaymentID": 989 }
Sample JSON Successful Response String:
{ "Success": true, "InvoiceID": 657, "ErrorMessage": "", "ResponseDescription": null, "TransactionID": "2584163898", "PaymentID": 989 }
Sample JSON Failed Response String:
{ "Success": false, "ErrorMessage": "Credit Card Type does not match card number", "ResponseDescription": null, "TransactionID": 0, "PaymentID": 0 }
Sample JavaScript implementation:
function buildRequest() { var request = { "EmailAddress": "[email protected]", "PaymentMethod": "CreditCard", "PostedStatus": "U", "RegistrationID": 12345, "SendAcknowledgmentEmail": true, "Amount": 8.99, "PersonID": 85001, "PayeeType": "P", "CreditCardNumber": "4111111111111111", "City": "Indianapolis", "State": "IN", "Username": "v1QAPIxpIhO", "NameOnCreditCard": "Patriot Testmember", "Source": "OP: ProcessPaymentsWeb", "CCExpYear": 2018, "CardType": "Visa", "MerchantAccountOwner": "Fraternity", "IsTestMode": true, "Company": "Patriot Software", "PaymentDetails": [ { "AssociatedChapterID": 123, "AssociatedPersonID": 123, "Quantity": 1, "ProductID": 1, "NextExpectedPaymentDate": "1/1/2014", "ItemDescription": "My Item", "ProductTemplateID": 12, "ItemCost": 1.37, "ItemPaidAmount": 22.00, "ItemStatus": "D", "DetailDueDate": "1/3/2014" } ], "Phone": "(317)-573-7199", "FirstName": "Patriot", "Zip": "46679", "InvoiceDueDate": "2/23/2015", "Password": "y0kteTVJx3f", "CCExpMonth": 9, "Address": "1899 E 96th Street", "Description": "This payment was made through the OP in the payment module", "Note": "You should see this extra note in the Payment and Invoice Note fields", "BatchName": "Online CC Payment Batch", "ChapterID": 1203, "CreateAssociatedInvoice": true, "LastName": "Testmember 13", "CCVerification": 790 } return request; } function submitRequest() { var request = buildRequest(); var submitUrl = "https://myofficerportal.org/WebServices/ProcessPaymentsWeb.ashx"; $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: false, url: submitUrl, cache: false, processData: false, data: JSON.stringify(request), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (result) { console.dir(result); }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { var err = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")"); if (!suppressErrorMessage) { console.dir(err.Message); } } }); }