Members Module: Approve Membership Changes

Made by Heather Hester with Scribe

If the user holds an Officer Role that is part of a Membership Change Approval process, this function allows for review and approval of submissions such as new member reports, initiation reports, and member change types.

1. A list of all Membership Changes pending your approval will be displayed here. Each column can be sorted by clicking the double arrows next to column headers.

Key information displayed on this page includes:

  • Chapter name
  • The date a change request was submitted
  • The type of membership change requested
  • Whose approval the change is currently pending
  • Who submitted the change request
  • The number of members within the request

2. The search box can be used to filter results shown by entering a key word in a chapter name or title of Membership Change Type.

3. Click on a submission to open it. This is an example of an organization created Membership Change Type.

4. Each member in the group will appear in a list. On the left is:

  • The member's name, when click opens their Sentinel record in a new tab.
  • The member's current Membership Type and Status.
  • If the change type required a form, a grey "View Submitted Change Information" button. When clicked a copy of the form opens.

5. If the form had any attachments they can be downloaded via the hyperlink.

6. In the middle of the page, the proposed Membership Type and Status are displayed. The Membership Type and Status of each member can be individually edited here.

7. On the right side is a green "Include" button, that when clicked changes to say "Exclude" in red. This can be used to exclude individual(s) from the group's approval.

8. Use the green "Approve" or red "Reject" buttons to process the request.

9. Click on an example of a New Member report.

10. A New Member report looks very to the first example.

11. Click on an example of an Initiation report.

12. The only changes in this example are the addition of the new member's proposed Roll Number and their Initiation date. The approver can change the Initiation date on a one-by-one basis.